How to Romance A Girl/How to Show Your love

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Was out chatting with a friend of mine earlier and this topic came into our mind.

I shared my views and advice him on some of the ways guys could do to catch a girl's attention.

Apparently, it seems that man has this... idea that all they have to do is just show more care and concern and wait for the girl to react.

Thats what my fren's "brothers" been advising him. =.=" *sweat*

it seems that.. guys can only know.. of going to the movies.. and movies.. and more movies. =/

There arent anything special since its an everyday event that a girl can do with anyone out there.

Try to be special.. By thinking of special places to go to..

1) I have previously spoke about keppel bay. Based on my previous post, they actually have this nice steak restaurant over there. So its one option that u can go if u have a car. If not, go rent one if u have a license. =D

2) Mount faber - the hot spot. Yeah yeah, it has been abused by alot of people. yet the atmosphere and scenery is still there. There's a couple of resturants up there so yeah maybe that will do the trick of making girls feel romance or at least.. relax.

3) DHL... Singapore Flyers... are some stuffs that u can consider if u do not have a car..

4) How about.. bringing your date to ECP, west coast, Bishan park, bedok reservoir, etc any park or dark places u can think of.. to play.. sparkles! Its always nice to be a child again dun u think so?

5) They always say.. an apple a day makes the doctor goes away.. You can always.. A flower a day makes a girl's day? Diamonds are girls best friend definitely, but flowers are too! It doesnt have to be roses. Have u ever thought of.. giving her a sunflower every week with a msg attached like "i hope your day will be as bright as the sunflower?" or maybe.. A lily (it doesnt have to be 11 or 12 or 13 stalks) Just 1 lily bouquet it up with those babybreath it will still be as nice..

6) Or maybe.. you could plan a day in sentosa. Did u know musical fountain was revamped and its so fabulous now? (i have not seen it but some of my pals have and they were telling it to me) Plus you could go for the skyride! its so beautiful~ and maybe come back thru the cable car? if you have alot of $$$$ to spend.. there's always the cable car dinner..

7) How about going to the Zoo? or Night Safari? Like young kids enjoying different shows that is available. =)

8) Or maybe... you could bring enough candles.. go to her place.. prepare "i love you" ask her down and light it up before she comes down. I think its very romantic too.

9) Get her something that she always wanted. but she didnt get it coz of some reasons. wrapped it up, and give it to her when you guys go out.. from your bag after hanging out for quite sometime. She would be taken in by surprise, i promise. =) (it doesnt have to be jewels, or diamonds or anything. It could be a stalk of sunflower without any "dressing" or something small and cute..)

10) How about going to the theaters rather than movies? Dim Sum Dollies? Broadway Beng? I know broadway beng is coming. i know its not THAT romantic, but at least its a change u see. Not everyday movies. =X

11) Personalized Presents. Maybe the cupcakes? writing her name on each and every cupcakes on it? Personalize it with her favourite colors! or maybe.. a musical box with her name engraved on it.. or maybe.. hmm..

12) How about doing something special? Breakfast in Botantic gardens! I heard they serve authentic french breakfast with lots of fresh air from the garden. the view and the air.. woohhoo..,Asia.html

13) I bump into this recommendation from another blog that Labordor Park has this bar (called Moon Ladder Bar) which has full sea views! nice right?

14) Lastly....... wild wild wet? or ... Escape for u sir? =)

Ok Brain mulfunctioned. Its kinda of dry now, but as and when i have new ideas, i'll just post in more!

I think that is one reason why i have never been romance before.. I knew too much and .. nothing ever caught me by surprise. =(

Its kinda of saddening when u are too.... can i say smart? or... creative? =.=!

If only.. i could be caught by surprise which i hardly think so. lol!

Oh well, at least i could help alot of .. helpless souls out there who are trying very hard to crack their brains on where to go and what to do. =D

It always feels good to be able to help!

posted by icy at 4/16/2008 01:47:00 AM

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