i fear..

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
i fear opening up my blog.

i dunno why.

i dun really want any more strangers reading them.

unlike the past.

is it because i'm growing older

or is it because i'm growing more private.

thats not true!

i'm still talking sex as openly as possible to every tom dick or harry that i met!

(of coz not to my clients..)

i'm still sharing everything abt myself to friends~


why have i lost the courage to open up my tiny blog?

i did open for a few days..

and after that i locked it again.


i dunno why i just dun feel comfortable opening again.

yet at the same time..

if i dun open it up i dun update it!



i'll.. open it up again..


have u been missing emo chin?

or have you been missing crazy chin?!

i havent been taking pictures because i rebonded my hair and is still trying to make it more pong!

cause now quite flat!

furthermore i have left my cam with my god sis and only got it back recently. haha.

thats more of that reason.

my dearest readers, i hope you guys havent been missing me much.

and if i ever do lock up my blog again, can you plsss take down my email address..

just email me yr address and i'll add you in.

cause most likely i think i'll set it private again..

unless i get used to blogging publicly again...


it was a crazy weekend, i organise jess jie bd party @ ECP..

PLS.. SINCE THE LAST TIME I WENT THERE (like 2 years ago)..

the fucking management still hasnt changed.

i fucking hate them..

we actually had to return bk the bbq pit before they refund us our money when the flyers wrote they will collect it at 11am the next day.

best still when the fucking stupid manager will just next to me and fucking gave me attitude as thou i was in the fucking wrong.

what kind of service standard is that?!

FUCK ECP CHALET! aint gg back there anymore! PUI~
posted by icy at 3/30/2010 01:31:00 AM

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    10 November 1983
    Working as a Financial Adviser/ Consultant/ Planner with Prudential Since 2007.


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