The Meaning of Love – In response to my dearest DD for his surprise declaration on FB

Monday, September 27, 2010

Just an overview of what lead me to question him what does he meant when he tells me “I love you”…

A friend of mine, on one particular night, posted a quote to me and asked if I understand what he meant. “a relationship is a union. It makes no sense when you tell him I love you, as by saying “I” and “You” you are separating you from your partner.” Haven’t all of us gone through relationships after relationships by telling each other “I love you” proudly declaring our love through this way? I went back home, pondering on what he said, and finally found the answer thru google.

Quoting from the article, “Love is not based on mutual attraction and chemistry. It is based on the laws of nature and spiritual giving. It appears when two people realize their egoistic natures and start working on themselves to rise above it. Such a spiritual couple cultivates a relationship that is above egoistic desires, attractions and repulsions, habits and attitudes towards the world, and creates a union on this basis. This union is built only on mutual concessions in order to create something shared, where a male and female spiritual part are virtually merged into a single whole.”

That is when I understand what it means by being with you, in a relationship DD.

I often said I love you, it’s a descriptive sentence to tell you that we belong to each other, holding each other to a hidden commitment call “partner”.

By telling you that “I Love you”, it means that you are important to me, and you will be constantly in my mind.

By telling you that “I love you”, in every decision that I have to make, I have to consider “US” first, before “I”.

By telling you that “I love you”, it means that I do not need/ask for any return in all the care, attention and thoughtfulness I showered you.

By telling you that “I love you”, I am embracing everything about you and everyone in your life.

Loving you, is the feeling from within, that is way beyond any words in this world that could put that into a sentence. You make my world complete, with your silliness and your willingness to embrace the short-coming that I have. The quick and short tempered that I have has been neutralised by your even tempered. The craziness in me, have matched up to the craziness in you. The willingness to make fun of ourselves just for an exchange for each others laughter has been the strongest pillar in our relationship. Your slow and steady approach in life verse my hurried approach to decision making; I a big picture person with you a detailed picture person makes us the best match in my opinion.

I want to share my life with you and supporting you when you are down, sharing your joy when you are up. I will be rational when you are emotional.

posted by icy at 9/27/2010 12:00:00 AM

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