Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas to all!

hmm.. my piggy is stuck inside his camp doing COS.. =(


Anyhow.. i am packed with programs.

Going to Jie's place then go Aunt place then to KTV pub.

Hur hur hur!

Last but not least to everyone,

Enjoy the day with your love ones!
posted by icy at 12/24/2006 05:45:00 PM


Monday, December 18, 2006
i got to know that one of my jie is having problems with her guy.

Identical circumstances that i once went thru.

and i truly understand what she is going thru now.

When it is with regards to matters of the heart, we can never use logic to try and explained the actions that was taken.

Angry words, unreasonable actions, stubbornness came into surface.

Jie was hurt. So was people around her.

and i begin to ponder...

why do human held the grudges within their r/s deep in their heart?

why do they hurt the other party when they truly love and in return hurt themselves in the process?

It is worth it to flare up?

Why do we always listen to our emotions instead of our rational thinking?

Can cant human control their emotions and act rationally?

Knowing well that this decision will in return gain nothing but pain, yet they still go ahead and do it?

is it worth it to preserve on?

Are humans born sadist that we love to inflict pain and torture onto ourselves?

Why cant we just let go when it is less painful in the long run?

What promotes us to make that irrational decision?

Love.. its all about love.

A relationship btw a couple is not just loving that one person wholeheartedly only.

its like flying a kite. You need to know when to pull and when to let go.

Too much of either one, will kill the process.

Its about trust, commitment, accepting one another, learning to give each other personal space, etc etc.. there's so many other conditions required in a r/s.

If you cant trust, you will turn into a possessive freak and jealousy will appear.

If you cant commit, the other party might be hurt (in the event)

if you cant accept one another, the r/s will soon be broken as both parties will forever be pinpointing each other faults.

If you cant give personal space, there might be a day where someone will become breathless and wish for a break.

love can be sweet for one moment, ugly within the next minute.

Its all about how you handle situations and how you react to it.

Troublesome isnt?

I wonder.. what would the world be like if we do not have the ability to "love" in our heart?
posted by icy at 12/18/2006 02:29:00 AM


Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I am so bored.

Couldnt find a holiday job. slacking at home almost everyday.


thus the lack of post. Nothing to write about!!!! >.<"""

and the lazy bug got into me....

help... *cries*
posted by icy at 12/12/2006 11:55:00 PM

Jane's BD

Monday, December 11, 2006
I am too god damn lazy to update my blog. -.-"

The long holidays (and without a job) is making me... lazier and lazier by the day..

anyway, Jane's Bd was celebrated at MOS (The Milkshake Party) on 9th Dec.

This post is super duper late!

With the 2 couples and me.. (alone! *Cries*.. That pig has the fiak up last min guard duty.. sigh)

we headed down town at 7pm for dinner. However.. we were very very late by the time we reach there.. and have no choice but to choose fast food.. -.-"

by the time we reach MOS (around 9pm) the.. fiaking queue.. had already reached Crazy Horse there lor!!!!!! WTF~ -.-"

Thankfully, Jem had contacts and was able to bring the 5 of us together with jane de 3 friends in through the VIP route. (Thanks Jem!)

Partied till around 1am only as.. there were too many ppl..

we ended up at TCC for coffee and we bought a slice of cake for jane as BD cake. haha. and we sang loudly at TCC for her! *grinz*

Left home at around 3+am. Took a ride from Jem and brianca. (Thanks once again!)

hur hur hur.. PICTURES! (as i brought along a camera... without loading the battery in.. we had no choice but to utilise Brianca and Jane de hp.) LOL..

And yes yes! its all Us Us and Us again. WAHAHA.

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hur hur hur! Happy Happy Happy Birthday sweetie!
posted by icy at 12/11/2006 02:14:00 AM

笨猪 de Birthday Present

Saturday, December 02, 2006
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笨猪 bought an ipod video for me as my birthday present! *MUACK*~ HEHEHEHE~~

I love my ipod!!!! thank YOU~ *MUACK*!
posted by icy at 12/02/2006 08:42:00 PM

Chalet - 24,25,26 Nov

Friday, December 01, 2006
Yada~ Chalet at Sentosa! Together with Uncle's gang, Jane, Brianca, Jem, Kor, Gunn and Me!

hur hur! it was fun fun fun~ and i got a healthy tan now! but not tan enough. =/

Didnt take any pictures coz.. i look horrible la~ =X

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Guess which is Zhu and which is kor? LOL~ They were suntaning and i snap a shot from the back! hur hur.

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Jane in the waters!

Tried taking a few pics together.. but i look damn ugly.. so in the end i deleted it. =P
posted by icy at 12/01/2006 01:35:00 PM

Femme Fatale
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    10 November 1983
    Working as a Financial Adviser/ Consultant/ Planner with Prudential Since 2007.


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