Lack of Updates.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Yes yes,

this is gonna be a dead blog soon.

well well..

OH! i still have readers!!!!!!!! 19 unique visitors! CAN U ALL press the nuffnanger ads for me PLS?!

AHHH i fail you guys.

im sorry.


i couldnt sleep. at 3am in the morning.

i think im going game crazy.


i am currently, hooked with BOI!

its my first MMORPG game.

well.. i wanted to play one with my dd, so.. we can get married inside the game!! LOL!!!!!!!!!

NOPE wedding bells aint ringing at least for the next 3 yrs.

so i just wanna do it virtually~ i think it would be cool!

always wanted to try it when i was playing maple.. but i eventually quit tt game as it became quite bored.


guess what?

carol has become a homestayer because of this!!

i hardly go out on weekends because of this game.

its very unhealthy i know..

so dd said that this weekend we have to get our ass out of the house because we have isolated ourselves too much from our friends.

you see...... i am.. like the.... stapler of a particular group of friends....

and.... when i dun organise anything...



and its always the case..


from poly, to DBS...... to now...

10 yrs leh! i took a break, and.. the group scattered around. =.=~


i see the group of friends like that.

i dunno do wanna do something or just leave it like this..


other than that..

i think i am having too much expectations from my friends...

sometimes it really makes me wonder..

is it SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bloody difficult to just call once in a while to see how are u?

or perhaps, drop a 5sec sms to just check on things?

as much as everyone else is busy with life, with work, with love...

it doesnt hurt TO keep in contact of others who USED to care for you alot.


this is.. just one of those human relationship.. which i have yet to comprehend..

if its just.. some random friends.. who drop by yr life for perhaps a moment... i understand..

but people whom has been there supporting u during yr darkest days?


unless... you are getting married.. and because of that, you become "MARRIED" to your partner..

even if so... thats just an excuse to NOT put some effort is trying to maintain contact..

*shake head*

as i mention..


yeah. people come and go. especially those who fell in love so deeply and they no longer need friends.

they just need the partner. so friends are no longer needed.

carol is trying very hard to be someone.. where she DO NOT RUN immediately to any of her friends who is need in of a shoulder whenever they need a shoulder to cry on.. because NOONE APPRECIATES IT/REMEMBERS IT as time passes.

from Bestie to good friends.. to acquaintance.. to msn friends... to... eventually.. just a memory.

and yeah....

fade away.. fade away lets fade away...

some photos~

its been a long time since u guys last see him. PEPPER~ my dearest baby

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testing my cam function

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my lastest pic! taken today! i finally cut my fringe!

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BTW..... i realise.. i loss 2kg. for staying home. and eating lesser.

cool right?


he hates me for this. =P
posted by icy at 6/22/2010 02:57:00 AM 0 commenti

Femme Fatale
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    10 November 1983
    Working as a Financial Adviser/ Consultant/ Planner with Prudential Since 2007.


  • What Doesnt Kill You Makes U Stronger. Time Heals All Wounds and Out of Sight Out of Mind is what i believe in and live by everyday.

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