
Wednesday, February 28, 2007




posted by icy at 2/28/2007 04:17:00 AM

Yada Yada.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Went out with a long lost fren earlier. Long lost becoz i lost all his contacts. and i wonder why. HAHAH..

Anyhow, its a surprise that he suddenly msg me in msn. And we met up earlier for some shopping and movies. hur!


"Seducing Mr Perfect"

June is an outgoing career woman who tries to keep her men by showering them with pocket money and motherly care, but keeps being ditched because she is too nice. After losing once again to someone younger, she becomes determined to learn the game of love from "Mr. Perfect", her boss Robin. Will she finally get her Mr. Perfect?

It was a light hearted show however its not as good as Sassy Girl or The Act of Seduction thats what i feel. But Daniel Henney IS SUPER CHARMING!! OMG~~~ I wanna hug him so badly!! =XX heee...

Finish the show at abt 12 and as i didnt wanna go home, i sort of "dragged" him to mac for coffee. HAHA.

Feel so bad abt making him stay with me till 3am. ~>.<~

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Cowe and me outside Cine

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hur hur.... thanks for the company dude. =)

"time heals. thats what i believe in. so time pls heal me soonest. i is.. hate being weak."
posted by icy at 2/27/2007 04:51:00 AM

Whatever Doesnt Kills You Makes You Stronger.

Monday, February 26, 2007
thanks to jane, iris, harry and yimin who have helped me greatly throughout these dark days.

I cannot say i am fine now.

All i can say is, that sentence helped me alot and i feel that much stronger now.

Yes i still miss him a great deal, i cannot deny that.

But i am already trying my best not to remember, not to feel.
posted by icy at 2/26/2007 02:25:00 AM


Sunday, February 25, 2007
i'm in shit now. -.-

insomnia. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..

cant seems to sleep longer, cannot sleep in the night, dun feel sleepy at all. (hmm.. maybe its due to my hyperactive brain cells which refuse to stop thinking. -.-")

shall go get sleeping pills from the doc on monday.

needa shift my timing back before i ruin my body. -.-

its 7am and i am still not sleepy. OMG..
posted by icy at 2/25/2007 06:59:00 AM


Friday, February 23, 2007

posted by icy at 2/23/2007 04:21:00 AM


Wednesday, February 21, 2007



posted by icy at 2/21/2007 02:33:00 PM


Sunday, February 18, 2007

hhehehe... 今年是我的年!猪年!

every year de CNY, i will be damn bored.. as i do not have a big family like others..

so if you have places for me to play Mahjong, jio me k. and just to highlight, i dun play bigger than 20cents 40cents. LOL!.

i am a newbie. still learning! =D
posted by icy at 2/18/2007 01:06:00 AM

Valentine's Day

Tuesday, February 13, 2007





吃顿饭都难。。还要排队吃超级贵的饭。。 原本$10的一顿,在情人节会变成$20!-.-





posted by icy at 2/13/2007 01:24:00 AM

A trip to Science Centre

Hur.. i guess some might be shocked that i visited the science centre!

Went for a trip to science centre with 笨猪 on sunday。。

我告诉你们哦。。 不要去!!!


the ifuture (which cost us $8/person) is bull S***!

there's nothing fantastic inside, and the more.. "fun" exhibition was closed on a Sunday? (WTF!)

The commercials that is showcased in those SBS buses.. was totally different from what i seen over there.

The one and only worth the price is the IMAX movie. Its soooo.... nice! but.. EXPENSIVE! .. (per person $10, for a 40min show) Sigh..

Was quite disappointed with the exhibition sia.. -.-

Total entrance fee was : $20.80/person.

We is heart pain lor..

No way am I going there again…..

Anyway, I force 笨猪陪我拍照!哈哈哈哈哈!


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posted by icy at 2/13/2007 01:03:00 AM

The Clubber's Diary of Events.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Last Wed was Mandy's Bd. Went down to Zouk together with Jerry, Jane, Brianca and Jem to celebrate with her.

Yesterday went down mos together with jerry and jane. But was stuck with harry's group most of the time. haha (Sorry jerry if we pang seh u. )

i very very lazy to write. so.. pictures!

Mandy's Bd (Wed) Me and Mandy!

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Mandy and Jane!

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Me brianca and jane. (been a long long time since we last took pic together as brnca is out of the clubbing scene due to commitments)

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Ano.. Jane look abit the ghostly.. coz she went for "extreme makeover" LOL!!! Together with Jem.

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Jerry and me!

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The 4 girls~

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Mos! hehee....

I like this pic best!

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Yesterday take pic not nice.. my hair.. my top.. =/ hur hur..

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Decides to mess up my hair abit.. and the end result..

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Me and tasha!

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will have more coming up once i get them from jane and harry.. heheee
posted by icy at 2/08/2007 06:54:00 PM

Femme Fatale

    This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from The Insignificant One. Make your own badge here.

    10 November 1983
    Working as a Financial Adviser/ Consultant/ Planner with Prudential Since 2007.


  • What Doesnt Kill You Makes U Stronger. Time Heals All Wounds and Out of Sight Out of Mind is what i believe in and live by everyday.

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