I have a messy brain

Friday, September 28, 2007
I think too much, that time and again, i will be caught up with too many choices and options and ways that confused me and frustrate me.

Within myself is a maze that i cannot walk out.

I am trying my very best to try not to think too much.

but always, i will end up.. having tons of unnecessary "what if".

Can i just be simple? =.="

I wish to be simple.

Too much thoughts kills me.

Its a period of self actualisation/self reflection for me again.

I needa go into meditation one of these days.

If i could.. =X

I'm such a sux-er for company.

In another words, i hate being alone.

but i'm begining to spend more time at home rather then .. always on the move.

and guess what, i didnt mambo on wed.

surprise surprise.

posted by icy at 9/28/2007 03:11:00 AM

I just Cried.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
And yes, I just cried.

Not becoz, i was bullied, not becoz i'm sad..


I watched 换换爱 and i cried!

Its so sad at the end~


I kept crying for the whole 2hours!

Now i feel so depress can. =.="


i get affected by series easily. =X

Like.. i cannot watch horror flicks? Coz... i gets too "Agitated" and frighten..

and.. when i watch romance comedy i will feel very happy.

(But i dunno why i didnt cry when i watch "200 Pound Beauty"=/)

我也希望,有这么感人的爱情。。 我又在做梦了。=X


posted by icy at 9/26/2007 01:56:00 AM

Growing Up

Monday, September 24, 2007
Sometimes, i really wish that i can just simply stay as a child.

Without having to worry abt life, abt money, abt future.

As we grow older, we need to spend more money.

Gals have to pay/worry for maintaining their "youth".

Guys have to pay/worry for their future, their family.

There has been alot of hooo haa abt retirement, how poorly singaporeans are planning for their old age.

The aging population is currently the piority problem that a lot of countries are facing.

I just simply wish that i can ignored all these and live a life simply.

Unfortunately, i do not born with a silver spoon, i do not have a rich dad that will pay for my everything.

Everything that i want, that i yield for, must be paid and earned by myself.

Its all about money money money.

Why do us have to face with this problem everywhere we go?


I am so worried about my old age - with the current rising cost of living, and the rising medical fees, i wonder, would i be able to maintain my current lifestyle?

How long can i work till?

i really wish i could retire young, and start looking at other parts of the world, before leaving it.

Could i? Would i?

As each phrases of life, we face with different difficults.

Initally.. was education..

Then.. its looking for the right job..

Afterwhich.. its all abt finances.

Marriage, House, Car, Medical, family.. etc etc...

All these involves with cash.

I hate oweing ppl money. Moreover banks.

I dreads growing up even further.


I just got paid, and half of it are spent within a day.


The feeling sux. of not having enough to pay for everything. =(

This is so depressing.

Life - A Rollar Coaster Ride.
posted by icy at 9/24/2007 11:55:00 PM

I'm a Coach Fanatic!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I just receive a call from my gf that she has bought the coach bag from US and its with her now.

I am jumping with joy! =D

Its for my working purpose. A Bag that is big enough to fit a4 size.


i cant wait to get hold of it.

I save almost close to 50%! *grinz*

My latest baby~

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Intending to get this next.

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hurr. i'm a little crazy. i know. =X =X

The inital uncertainty turning into a month of joy and happiness, has brought much sunshine. =)
posted by icy at 9/22/2007 07:17:00 PM

Another Mambo Night

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Went out dining with Pris and Mandy.

It was Pris Babe's birthday last week, mandy and i decides to give her a treat over at Sushi Tei as a belated birthday dinner.

Updating on each other's life, and gossiping away. lol..

What can 3 woman do when they get together? lol..

Anyhow, Pris babe had to leave early as her sister just gave birth (again!)

Inital plans was to chat till 12+ and head home...

So with tons of time on hand, mandy and i decides to head down to zouk for "a look".

hehe.. becoz of the look of it.. we stayed till 1am. =X

While we were on our way there, Jane called and she decides to join us too! =)

had fun till 1+ before bro came over and give us a ride home.

Thanks bro! =D

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Another pic taken over at Marc's place
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I was bored in office.. lol.

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posted by icy at 9/20/2007 11:23:00 PM

What is Wrong With me?

I dunno why, after weeks of trying to switch my human clock to normal working hours, i still feels god damn tired during the day, and freaking awake during the night.

This is so frustrating! =(

and yes, its gonna be 4am in the morning i'm still awake.

Gonna wake up at 9 later for work.


i'm so dead.

nites all. =(

Oh ya,

Happy Birthday to You. =)

Hope you are getting fine with your life presuming you are still a reader of my blog.

And all the best to you and SH. =D

Take care. =)
posted by icy at 9/20/2007 03:37:00 AM

The Begining

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Its the start of waking up from the beautiful dream.

Reluctance, pretending not to be awake.

Wanting to just shut my eyes and continue my beautiful dream....

The first tell-tale sign of a disagreement.

My mind skipped a beat.

My Heart feels the ache for a moment.

Sometimes, i just wish i could just continue dreaming of my sweet dreams.

How nice, if i can just have sweet dreams everyday.
posted by icy at 9/19/2007 12:40:00 AM


Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Is it becoz its night?

Feeling a little .. depress, a little.. breathless, a little.. uncomfortable.


or maybe, i've been listening.. too much depressing song for the last few hours that it makes my mood on a little down side?


There's nothing for me to be moody about now..

Now that my life is on track, there's so many ppl loving me, showing concern over me, and pampering me.


Maybe its just my mood. =P

Simply in love with this song, coz i love 伍思凯! =)

he is a good singer. =D

伍思凯 - 收集





posted by icy at 9/18/2007 02:11:00 AM


Monday, September 17, 2007
Busy Busy Weekends~

Friday went for muay Thai Compy, its an eye opener that turns boring. ~

too many matches, too many traditional Muay Thai dance that drags the whole compeitition to 1115pm.


Saw Ian over there working! hehe~

He gets to see the match for free wor. While we have to pay for it. =/


Sat was Marc's House warming party.

Jane and i went over at around 530pm.

His house is damn pretty!

its in our favourite color purple! =D

After which, we met up with PTG and friend and ben joined us after that.

Had coffee and headed home.

What a .... relax saturday?

its the 3rd clubless weekend.. =P



Its a lazy sunday~

Its mommy's Pre Birthday celebration with my aunts.

Bro's gf wear until damn nice, while my youngest and me, was damn slack. MUAHAHA..

what do u expect? A dinner at Serangoon Garden which is right across the street..

Wear so Nice for what.. -.-~

Finish dinner at 10 and head home.. hmm..

Its been a long time since i last went home this early. *yawnz*


Finally.. i have updated my song list.

Added 6 new songs which is my current favourite. =D

I love the Ah Mei and 伍思凯 Song the most. =D

Enjoy the songs as much as i do~

(the new songs are from No. 16 to No. 21)



Muay Thai Ticks! =D

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Jane and i~

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I tried taking pics of the ring.. but unfortunately, my camera sux, and taking pics are not allowed. =(
Manage to only snap one of it..

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Jane and i @ Marc's Plc! =D

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Random: Terry darling and i over at his bd dinner. =)

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posted by icy at 9/17/2007 12:09:00 AM

So Many Changes, So Little Time

Friday, September 14, 2007
So much have changed, So much Have Happened.

Yet there is so little time to react, to absorb.

For once in my life, i'm trying to make a difference.

For once in my life, i'm able to see whats right and whats wrong.

I'm changing.

Changing for the better i feel.

I'm finally able to prioritize.

Tho what i want in life, is still a little blurish, but i finally feel i'm in place towards my goals.

Will i be able to help those that i hold dearly to my heart?

It is still a question.

I'll find out the answer real soon. I hope.


On a side note,

I'm glad to find brianca back in my life.

Those dark days of our friendship being strained are over.

Its so much stronger and better now.


P.S: I am going to the Muay Thai Competition tmL~ hahaha~ So excited can! =X first time seeing this kinda of competition live! =D will post the pics up after the trip! =D
Anyone else going? we bought the $80 ticks. hehe! (at a 50% discount *laughs*)
posted by icy at 9/14/2007 01:55:00 AM

Its Wednesday!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
and yeah~ its mambo-ing time.

Been thinking hard, working hard, so its time to let my brain a little rest.

And i finally went to Ubi and get my practical test date.

Freaking Next year Feb.

damn far lor. bth. =/

Love mambo love mambo love mambo!

Cant wait to get there and let my hair down.

it certainly feel like its been a long time since i last club (tho is like only last week. LOL)

oh and finally mandy babe can joined us!

This is the first time after almost 2 months. =D

Miss her presence so much! =D

posted by icy at 9/12/2007 05:59:00 PM

As the Picture Goes..

Monday, September 10, 2007
Clearer and Clearer..

I begin to finally found myself back again.

The things that i want in life, the things that i lost during the way, the things that i have gain thru out the years are becoming clearer.

Never have i felt so refresh all over again.

Like a new born baby, who sees the light for the first time.

I'm excited, yet at the same time i'm a little frighten.

This is because i have not gain back my self confidence like that i had in the past which was lost along the way.

Just a little more time and faith..

I will prove my worth..

I will one day realise my dream.

I will one day.. give what i wanna give to my loved ones.

They will one day, be very proud of me. =)

Believing it, fighting for it.

Fight for what i feel is the best for me, fight for what i want, fight for the lifestyle that i deem best.

(i just hope i dun fall back again. =X)

I will one day, shine. I will.
posted by icy at 9/10/2007 03:05:00 AM

busy busy lazy lazy

Sunday, September 09, 2007
lack of post lack of post!

its been a long time since i last spend my sunday afternoon home nuaing. =X

Wed its one of our clubbing kakis birthday, and we head down to MOS after such a long time!

I cannot even remember when was the last time i went there..

well. coz i got short term memory la..we had a great time over there~ With ah dar, with fred, with ai ai, with gary yeo, with tasha and lots of others more. the old clubbing gang!

its been a long time since i last see them.

Almost 1mth le.. last time every week see them 3 times. (wed fri and sat) LOL..

oh well, Jane and i have moved over to zouk, while they still clubs in mos.

Party-ed till 2am and head home..


Its another quiet weekend, this is the 2nd time i did not club on fri and sat.. and still counting.... wooooooohhhhhhoo.

When was the last time i got pissed drunk? lol..

its almost gonna 2 mths le, after that time where i almost got intoxicated! =)

I'm getting my life back on track.

I'm setting my piorities back.

I'm no longer losing control of my life, my mind.

Everything is back to me, within my grasp. =)


Coffee Club toilet before heading into MOS..

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I love the toilet alot can? MUAHAHA

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Yq N Moi~

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Pssss... lets spy on those that is outside!

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MOS toilet! (AS USUAL)~ its been such a longggggggggggggggggg timeeeeee~ =X

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She wanna bite me!

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I wanna bite her too!

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I wanna lick her instead. LOL~

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lol lol lol~...

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Moi moi~

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In Wj's Car!

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lol lol..
posted by icy at 9/09/2007 04:54:00 PM

I'm bored

Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I'm bored at home, yet i'm lazy to go out.. therefore.. i did these! =X i am damn bo liao! hahaha.

You Are A Professional Girlfriend!

You are the perfect girlfriend - big surprise!
Heaven knows you've had enough practice. That's why you're a total pro.
If there was an Emily Post of girlfriends, it would be you.
You know how to act in every situation ... to make both you and your guy happy.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?

You Make a Good First Impression

You probably are making a much better impression than you realize.
Social situations can be a bit awkward for you at times, and you tend to over think what you say and do.
If you make a social faux pas, you remember it a lot longer than anyone else does.

Just relax and do your best. There are little things you can do to improve your social image.
Express more of an interest in the people around you, and be a good listener.
The secret of fascinating people is that they find everyone else fascinating!
What Kind of First Impression Do You Make?

You Are Right Brained In Love

Bit of a drama queen
Peacemaker, first to end a fight
Good at thinking up creative dates
Tend to fall in love and get hurt easily
Going with your gut instead of your head
Empathetic and caring, sometimes to a fault
Good at recognizing patterns in relationships
Been in love many times, perhaps too many to count
Wildly passionate and intense when falling in love
Spontaneous with relationships, going with the flow
Overly visual - can play back past dates like movies in your mind
Roses, love poems, and stuffed animals are a good start to winning your heart
Are You a Right Brained or Left Brained Woman in Love?
posted by icy at 9/05/2007 07:47:00 PM

sigh, i kanna bully again.

I went for my graduation shoot earlier.

It wasnt as good as i thought and its freaking expensive.

just for a family potrait, its 580 and 1 individual shoot its 110.

tell me expensive or not! ..

i should have gone for a makeover at somewhere else.

fucked up.


and they bluff me!

say i look better if i tuck my hair out instead of tucking it behind my ears.

i nv see properly.

I asked the photographer if i could tuck my hair behind for one shoot, but they insist that tucking it out is better. =/

i is damn sad.

everytime kanna bully.

grrr grrr..

i'll collect my pics 10 days later.

I hope it turns out fine.

if not................ i will get someone together with me to demand a reshoot..

coz i cannot do it on my own.. i will kanna persuaded not to de. =.=

not fierce enough. boo!.

My 2 younger brother. yandao bo? *grinz*

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My daddy with them!

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Tuck behind looks better right?! =(

*cries hard*
posted by icy at 9/05/2007 01:23:00 AM

For once..

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I have always been a food craze - a glutton.

I love trying out new food, trying out those that has been popular, i'm willing to queue and travel for good food.

However, i have never tried fine dining before.

How i wish i could just go in for once and try it out.


Look at how beautiful those food are.


and... before u go for fine dining..


read this.

if not u might become an embarrassment to yourself.
posted by icy at 9/04/2007 02:32:00 AM

I feel so.. bliss. =)

Sunday, September 02, 2007
I'm blessed by god who has given me so many people doting on me and staying by my side.

I finally graduated on friday.

It was an unforgettable event.

For the first time in my life , i wore a graduate gown.

My parents kissed me when the ceremony was over. I dun even remember when was the last time they kissed me?

I think i was still a toddler!

Jane and brianca kissed me too~

*这是幸福的感觉吧~还有PTG.. =)*

那种温馨和感动的感觉,我从来都没有感受过。。 直到那天。




可是,人总是说。。 读书的时刻是最好玩的了。。

我会想念这两年来我所过的时光,也会想念我在 SIM 所认识的朋友。


I have tons of pics to share. =) enjoy~

My Degree, with the flowers that was a gift from my mentor.

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Away and gone from this place... from 30th Aug 2007 onwards.

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My Daddy and me! Handsome ma? hehe.. my daddy dun look 50 isnt? =P

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My Mummy!

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My Daddy and Mummy~

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They kissed me~ =)

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WJ and me~ =)

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Brianca and Jane

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A Kiss from them =D

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My Soon to be ex-schoolmates =)

Valerie and Sheena

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Alex (L) and David (R)

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My 2 years study kakis. =) i'll missed those times where i bully him jia lat jia lat. LOL..

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Marc, Val, Alex and David!

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David and Jeremy. The study group during exams. hahaha.

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Having the last laugh together, as students, as students of SIM. =D

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Back home.. jane brianca and i continue to cam whore. With the bouquet of flowers. =)

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My Graduation gift from PTG

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In the night, we went to catch a movie at cine, yes, jane and i have not club on weekends for 2 weeks liao. =P

We are wearing the same top!

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Mandy and Jane

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hahaha~ 大头贴! =X

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yq dun wanna give jane the cookie.. LOL~

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jane's reaction.. LOL LOL~

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I'm finally.. a graduate.. finally.. =)
posted by icy at 9/02/2007 11:36:00 PM

Femme Fatale

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    10 November 1983
    Working as a Financial Adviser/ Consultant/ Planner with Prudential Since 2007.


  • What Doesnt Kill You Makes U Stronger. Time Heals All Wounds and Out of Sight Out of Mind is what i believe in and live by everyday.

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