Great Mind Thinks Alike

Monday, March 31, 2008
Great Mind Thinks Alike like they always says.

how do u feel if u met someone who thinks like u, who understand yr actions and yr way of thinking?

The naked feeling. lol.

As tho the reason behind each and every actions u make, is uncovered by another.

How would u feel if u met such a person?

Some would feel uncomfortable and steer away from such person.

as they also say 一山不能藏二虎。

Some will find it amazing that finally they have found someone that has like minds with them.

Some would just find it creepy.

So how would u feel??

Have u met such person before?
posted by icy at 3/31/2008 03:27:00 AM


Sunday, March 30, 2008
After drinking consecutively for the past 2 weeks, i rested ytd due to the puking in the morning.

I wasnt keen on drinking since i didnt wanna have anything sweet.

Overdose of sweetness the night before u see. (i have alot of bubbles on my pee! YUCKS. i might have diabetes? OH NO~!)

Then again.. it was so boring if u are not drinking.

Jean was like trying to get me drink a little more coz i look so bored when i'm not drinking. haha.

Ya, she's my new babe and my new clubbing kakis. =D

Surprised that how things turn out. Even tho i lost a love, i gain a friend thru the previous r/s.

Like chris said, we were very "civilized" ytd.

Civilized in the sense.. we were very sober. lol.

And we didnt really enjoy as much as on friday.

The effects of alcohol, vs the effects of sober-ness.

But at least.. at least...

We could see "monkeys" around us.

We could see who are the people building "the great wall of china".

We could know.. how does others behave when they gets high.

We are also sober enough to see the different style of fashion that.... others have.

Thats the fun part of being sober.

Tho.. as compared.. being high is much better! HAHAHA. =X

Babe and i. What a wide smile i had =/

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His fren whom i seriously cannot recall the name. i'm bad at names! =X

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Initially... They were cool.

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then... they became "cooler" with the free strong air con blowing directly at their seats.

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Us in the toilet!

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Moi. somehow i look weird here. lol..

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chris and pals with jean. i forgot their names. unfortunately. =X

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and we left quite early at 330am.

due to the.... boredness in me. lol.

if only it was mambo on sats! then i could just enjoy yrself without having the effects of alcohol!!!

to enjoy house and trance i need booze! =(

P.S: Class 95 is having a retro music afternoon! oh i miss mambo alr!


Time passes.. time forgets..

posted by icy at 3/30/2008 01:27:00 PM

Another Night of Booze and Fun

Saturday, March 29, 2008
A mix of Apple Shooters to illusion to Hennessy to Vodka.

Partied till 4am, went back with a dizzy brain.

I was high, yet i was sober.

chris was resting in the cab. Jeannie was talking to me in the cab.

I still manage to come online after my bath to send chris the pics.

But.. 5hrs later... i woke up feeling nauseas with the henessy taste stucked in my throat..

i couldnt sleep properly.

I was feeling fucked up.

and after rolling on my bed for 15mins... i walk towards my toilet and puked. =.=~

i lagged for 5hrs. damn.

guess i cannot handle too much different mix of alcohol.

and now, after sleeping for another 5hrs... i still can taste the hennessy in my mouth! fuck! grr grr.

Chris was worse, he suspect he had alcohol poisoning as he has been puking non-stop since 9am. =.=

Jean was the only one who didnt suffered.

Chris and his overseas fren Amy and her mom. her mom was fantastic! she had guys trying to hook up on her! power. lol.

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Chris and i

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Jean and i

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Earlier on in office.... i was pretty bored.... my da ge Chris also. lol. see he so hardworking. =X

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and moii

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i'm still feeling a little giddy. =.=

and yeah, i'm back to the good old drinking/clubbing days. =.=

but it doesnt sound right!

i was supposed to quit drinking! bah.

its seasonal. i'll stop soon enough. lol.

excuses for myself.. i know. =X
posted by icy at 3/29/2008 01:58:00 PM

My First Theater Arts Show

Friday, March 28, 2008
By Selina Tan. Mike invited me to this show together with him on wed.

He thought it was a comedy, i thought it was a hokkien show like dim sum dollies or broadway beng.

No it wasnt, its more like selina tan's solo concert for 1hr.

Yes i'm pretty surprise that she does have a powerful voice.

Tho... mike and i nearly fell asleep inside.

You see... those songs that she sings... we have never heard before.

It was more like singing for her family and her parents, who was there and it happened to be their 38th anniversary.

After that we head down to zouk! Mambo! Weeee~

Mike left at around 12+

Jane and i stayed till around 2.

I love mambo, tho the music on wed wasnt that fantastic. =/


Mike and i had Spanish food for dinner. or was is Mexican? forgotten. lol..

This restaurant is located at esplanade opposite of Harry's steakhouse.


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Our drinks

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Appetizer - the prawn.. was hmm.. i would say a unique taste.. but i dun really enjoy it.. the sausages was too salty.

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Main course - Pat-Rice (i think) This is ok. then again... something i have nv tasted before.. so i'm not used to it.

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The Ticket.

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Walking in...

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inside - free seating. After taking this pic, i got a shock in my life when someone tap me on my shoulders and starting talking fiercely "NO PICS TAKEN DELETE IT IMMEDIATELY!"
They sure have a very hardworking employee...

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Mike and i

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While waiting for Jane at wine bar.. i ordered this. Dreamer!

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Mike and Jane

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Moi and Jane

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My good fren YX - he was trying to be funny. damn. look disgusting. dunno what he is doing. =/ HAHAHAHHAA. =X

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Singtel was having some event in zouk.. thus delaying mambo time. sianz~

Dancefloor. Not very clear tho..

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The bar.. Not very clear. but hack. haha.

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And present to u - Chris! he was wearing damn smart to mambo la. so i took a pic for him. hahaha. My camera good right. =X

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Moi and chris

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Mambo - our favourite. =)


Time flies, its coming to the 2nd quarter of the year.

It seems that i have yet to achieve anything.

I have a tendency of losing my momentum after like working fiercely for 1 week, the next week i'll just slack off.

I'm not worried of having no sales, i'm worried why am i like this.

Its normal, they say.

But i felt that something is just not right.

I do know very well, that this is not my best effort.

Or should i say i have never "fight" hard enough.

Till date, i can say... i'm still slacking, dreaming, waiting.

I'm afraid of dreaming big, becoz i'm afraid of failing to reach it.

I'm still trying curb this fear in me..

The next worry that i have.... I'm worried being left on the shelf! HAHAHAHA~

I know it sounds weird coming from me, but hey..

it seems that i really have a problem meeting the right guys.

and ... i'm worried that guys will have the wrong idea that i'm a clubber and i'm just out for fun.

Its sickening when people stereotype.

Like i have always been trying to say and proof.

A girl who clubs, doesnt mean they are out for flings, no commitment r/s, etc etc.

I club becoz i enjoy dancing.

I club becoz i'm single.

I also realised that.... most hardcore clubbers are single. lol.. guess its a place where lonely people hang out together even tho they do not know.

Some people club becoz its a place where they could simply be themselves.

Some clubs becoz its a place where they could sit down and relax, have some music and dance.

And no doubt.. some came to look for flings, some came to just see the cute girls or the cute guys..

oh well. I'll just have to leave this to fate.

Maybe i might never meet the right one, since the right one for me seems to be on the verge of extinction.

A man who dares to dream, a man who thinks like me..

As written almost a year ago.
posted by icy at 3/28/2008 01:39:00 AM


Wednesday, March 26, 2008
i seriously have no idea whats wrong with me today.

i am so bored. so freaking bored with everything.

dragged jacob kurt and fred out coz my appt was canceled. =(

We went for the zouk prawn noodle which have moved to yishun.

Jacob wanted to call for the day but i somehow manage to drag them somewhere.

I wanted to watch show but he doesnt so we end up ktving.

and i was so bored inside, and i was grumbling why i dun have any sms for the night.

Noone sms me at all! grr grr.

so kurt and fred both took turns and sms me forwarded sms instead. HAHAHAHA.

and one of them was so funny that i forwarded to a couple of my pals.

lol. that was how bored i was. =/

and i started taking pics...

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even tho they are not willing to...

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beware, me in specs again. lol.

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we finally left at 1am. thankfully some kind souls (gary and chris) msg me back when i forward the msg which kept me entertained a little. haha.

when i reach home, i saw pepper sleeping on the bed! but for a moment before he moved off towards the fan. =/

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YX came my place earlier to meet pepper.

and he accompanied him for an hour or so (becoz he waiting for gf to finish work, so came my house as it was still early. gf works near my place. lol)

i asked him if he wanna bring him home for 2 days. lol lol. let him have a feel about having a notti dog at home. hahaha.

mom and dad are getting more and more attached to pepper.

every day before leaving for work, dad will take him to the loo to poo poo.

mom will come into my room and sayang him before gg off.

arent they sweet!

my dog is sooo fortunate. =)

but i'm not. =(

i'm yielding for attention.



the loneliness bug strikes.


hate it when it comes.

and i will have this urge to just do something crazy.

like the crazy drinking rampage.

like the funny comments to my pals.

no no no.

time will pass soon enough before i realise.

time passes.. time forgets...
posted by icy at 3/26/2008 02:40:00 AM

A Beautiful Night

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Initially, the plan of going out blading was canceled due to the rain.

However, Avis called and said the rain has stopped so i head down East Coast Park.

Unfortunately.... sky was not on our side, and it started drizzling again when we reach there.

We had no choice but to go elsewhere.

Started driving down ECP (expressway) aimlessly... and Avis suggested Mount Faber.

As we drove pass Keppel road.. I remembered Keppel bay!

Weeeee, and so i brought him there since he have not been there before.

Even tho it was raining, the scenery was as beautiful.

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Beautiful right? We went to the side for a chat. overlooking the "bridge" which actually is the road in.

After which we headed down to bishan park to blade since AMK was not raining.

Bah, my blading skills still as sucky...

I sux at speed and steep slopes! boo.

then again, i'm glad we managed to blade since that was what we came out for. =)


Pepper is a little ku ku in the brain. We got him a bed, but he rather sleeps on the floor biting his towel. =.=

Someone tells me why is this so?

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He doesnt like to pee on the tray, he likes to pee under the tray. =/

He doesnt like to shit on the tray, he likes to shit a few CM away from the tray.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. he is driving me and my family crazy. =.=

my dearest baby... is kuku-ed! =X
posted by icy at 3/25/2008 01:42:00 AM


Monday, March 24, 2008
MY BODY ACHES LIKE HELL.................................


KTVing at Jab1 with fred and gang. let the pics do the talking. i'm very stoned.

Babe and husband was there too. =D

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The guys was playing 7 8 9.

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The Alcohol.

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Lady Boss with Chris

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Jane and LY

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Moi and LY

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Pris and Moi

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The Couple Gin and Fred

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Kenny bai pose sia!

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As u can see... i was bored.

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Fred is singing...

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and i'm in deep thoughts.

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Left at 2+ went for supper at crispy prata house. =)


Zouk with Avis Janson and Jean. Had tons of drinks, from vodka to tequila shots to red wine.

Jean and moi

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Jean and janson. They are poly friends.

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Avis janson and jean.

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Moi avis and janson. =)

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For the first time, i partied at zouk till lights on. And i drank till lights on. o.O

it feels weird. haha.

Will there be more? not sure tho.

But its fun clubbing with them! =D


WLNY Gathering at blizz.

Was there for awhile before heading down lunar. =)

Amanda and moi! Miss her so much. =D

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Jerry moi and ah blah. hee..

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Lunar with the old devils gang as it was wayne's bd. Harry ai ai, unknown 1 and wayne.

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Jacky ah dar with wayne.

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Moi and Gin before i turn red. lol.

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I went on a crazy drinking rampage for the weekend.

Its been a long time since i last drink like this.

Now my body aches like hell.

grr grrr..


waiting for the lift. =)

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Moody moody.

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posted by icy at 3/24/2008 12:16:00 AM

Femme Fatale
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    10 November 1983
    Working as a Financial Adviser/ Consultant/ Planner with Prudential Since 2007.


  • What Doesnt Kill You Makes U Stronger. Time Heals All Wounds and Out of Sight Out of Mind is what i believe in and live by everyday.

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