Jealousy Begets Possession, Possession Begets Jealousy

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
seriously, sometimes...

i really hate being a scorpio. or is it because i'm lacking of confidence in myself which forms part of the problem?

i guess its both.

to all of u guys who know me. i speak with confidence. i dress and behave as thou i'm an extremely confident person.

yes i do in a certain extend.

work, friends, problems.

but when it comes to love? ..

thats also one reason why i'm afraid of loving.

i lack of confident.. when i'm in love.

perhaps its just the dark shadows constantly reminding me of my past.

perhaps its just my nature..that i'm possessive.

i cannot stand. yes i really.. cannot stand being put together with my guy's ex gf.

put together as in .. appearing together in a place.

like friends.

like being introduce.

like.. in any occasion appearing together.

i dunno why.

i just hate it.

just imagine.. playing mj.. with yr guy ex gf.


i dunno why.

i manage to swim across that whole thing.

yet later on i feel weird out.

i'm trying to rationalise myself that its ok.

that i shouldnt feel this way.

that its a past. they are friends. and he's mine now.

that he dunno that jj brought her along. and that i knew its her who is her ex.

nevermind about the past.. its all in the past anyways.

i'm trying my best u know.

i'm a woman at heart afterall. even thou i may be damn rough, damn manly in some instance..

i'm afraid no matter what.

its not as thou i feel threaten.

its definitely not since i know.. she's not a threat. her has 0 threat in me. i jolly well know that.

but can you understand why i just feel weird?

i dunno how to explain the feeling my in my heart.

is it sour?

or is it just uncomfortable?

i really cannot explain to you... whats going on in that pee brain of mine.

but i just freaking feel uncomfortable.

irritating piece of shit.


is it possessiveness?


is it jealousy?

fucking hell..

i fucking hates to feel jealous over nothing.

and yes.

this is fucking nothing.

i'm irritated.

fucking irritated.

is it wrong for me to feel weird out that i was actually playing mj with my bf's ex gf??

P.S: thaks glenn.. who sounded me out earlier. yeah.. i asked 3 people if its wrong for me to feel weird..
all say its not wrong, but its not right to start a quarrel if i ever intend to over this issue.
nope i'm not intending to start a disagreement or quarrel. i just wanna tell him how i feel, end of case. he cant input anything anyway. he wouldnt know what to say since it wasnt him who brought her along.

posted by icy at 2/17/2010 12:31:00 AM 0 commenti

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