A tribute to the man.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I love you because...

1) you are as crazy as i am! and as fun as i am!

2) you allow me to make all the decisions even thou sometimes u wish that i could allow u to but unknowingly.. i will take charge again.

3) you are always patient to me even thou there are times i'm unreasonable.

4) in my eye, you are the greatest looking guy~ (and YOU ARE NOT FAT!!!! =X )

5) you always gives in to my every request, my every demands, my every need and wants.. (as much as your pocket can tahan =P)

6) you are always supporting me.. a ready available shoulder. =)

7) you... did alot of things for me and i appreciate it. like.. helping my dad.. like.. buying me my first red LV bag, like.. that one particular person that i dun like and ... ya you get what i mean.. and.. helping me in my biz... and.. eating what i cant finish, tolerating my eating habits of ordering alot and eating abit...

8) you dun have a temper.. the only temper you have is when u drink and when u drive. and its hilarious. yes. i love it when u show temper.. not at me of coz. =P

9) you are always making me laugh. always. you will do lots of silly things to make me laugh. =DDD

10) you let me beat u bite you tickles you torture you~ yes, i'm abusive. MUAHAHA.

and most importantly...

you complete me. =)

soo.. to my important man in my life right now...


could you please do a strip tease for me on my birthday? PLEASE~~~


I THINK ITS DAMN COOL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


and why am i writing it here?

because i wanna share this weird idea of mine!!!!!!!!!


i think its fun~!!!!!!
posted by icy at 4/27/2010 01:28:00 AM 0 commenti

Today isnt a good day.. because...

Friday, April 16, 2010
i didnt had any food the whole afternoon as i was working. i rushed fm home to office, to ponggol then send client to bugis then back home to collect some documents, meet boss for 30mins (coffee) then rushed to yishun meet a friend.. which ended ard 5pm.

Trying to be nice, i smsed him at 4pm telling him that i will pick him up from work as i have a YEC meeting at Henderson later in the evening. (he didnt reply as there's no reception at his work area) as i was leaving, I was having a half filled bladder with no food inside. seeing that the time is near 530, i thought i need rushed over. Braced thru the huge rain at 5pm, rushing there on time at 530, only to receive a call at 550 that i forgot that he is going school for revision.

nice. i was damn fucking hungry, and damn fucking high tide. sooo.. i left for home. because last min my meeting somehow disappeared with no calls bk from my YEC head. right..

it was 6 when i left cck. (yeah i drove from yishun to cck in 30mins under the fucking huge rain)

guess what, i was freaking stuck in the freaking off work jam.. my bladder couldnt wait anymore.. i drove to bukit panjang for a toilet break.

By the freaking time i reach home.. it was near to 730.

i'm pissed. WITH myself again.

thanks carol. u and yr freaking assumption and stupid forgetful brain.

how could u bloody forget that he had studies?

u deserve to be shot in the head for making such a blunder.

Lesson Learnt: stop trying to be so nice everytime when u have freaking time to pick him from work. Confirm with him that he is free before making any stupid decision.

You are stupid carol. god damn stupid.


on a side note, uncle wee and i had a new business idea ~ it will be up and running by the end of the month! weee~~~~
posted by icy at 4/16/2010 01:26:00 AM 0 commenti


Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Top 10 cancers affecting Singapore men
Site Ranking No.
1) Colo-rectum
2) Lung
4) Liver
5) Stomach
6) Nasopharynx
7) Skin (including melanoma)
8) Lymphoma
9) Bladder
10) Leukaemia

Top 10 cancers affecting Singapore women
Site Ranking No.
1) Breast
2) Colo-rectum
3) Lung
4) Corpus Uteri
5) Ovary
6) Cervix Uteri
7) Stomach
8) Skin (including melanoma)
9) Lymphoma
10) Thyroid

taken from http://www.nccs.com.sg/pat/08_03.htm

I dun think i need to explain that are the top 3 cancers for both female and male are..

and yes.. its all because of our diet.. colon cancer is now no 1 and 2 respectively on the chart.. with the fact that now, most of us are suckers for good food.. and no exercise at all..

do you know 1 in every 15 woman suffers from breast cancer?

meaning to say.. look around you in yr office.. in the train.. while u are out clubbing.. or dining.. yes 1 in every15. which is actually.. quite common.

and... smoking actually increases the risk of having breast cancer..

(fuck i should really stop.. i cannot imagine myself with 1 lesser breast..)

and for your information..

all the life insurance coverage.. is only claimable at stage 2 or 3 of the cancer..

if you are at stage 0 or stage 1..

you can only claim treatments from your shield plan.

pls. get yrself fully protected from hospitalisation.

it actually helps covers almost 100% of your treatment cost.

i went for my prusmart lady 2 seminar yesterday.

Dr See from PCC shared with us her experiences working in parkway cancer centre.

the different kind of.. breast cancer that she faces.

the pain that those woman had to go thru..

and the cost of the healing process..

it doesnt comes cheap..

get yourself protected today.

you never know when shit gonna happen on you..

just like any freaking car accidents that you have been thru, or cuts or even a fall.

do you know that u gonna fall the next step u make?

would you know that the next junction you turn u will hit a car?

so what makes u think that u will stay healthy all the way without any illness?

I'm from prudential and have been with them for coming to 4 years..

there are things that i have seen.. death.. sickness.. poverty..

is doesnt mean that if your life is good now.. it will be good forever.

get yrself protected today.

review what you have purchase in order to know if you have gotten enough.


if you do not have an agent or wish to seek a 2nd opinion..

my doors are open!!


you can always email me at icycarolchin@gmail.com.

posted by icy at 4/13/2010 12:29:00 PM 0 commenti


Saturday, April 10, 2010
today i finally stepped into atlantis.

i like the high ceiling and the fact that you can smk inside. muahahaha.

but i dun like their sound system because i cannot hear the singers voice at all.

but the girls.. there.. are fucking hot la!!!!!! *drools*

and v v v v very friendly can.

typical thai pub i would say, but much much bigger.

of coz compare to DF, atlantis couldnt fight the big brother.. however, it serves an alternative i guess.

shanghai dollies... their ceiling too low. dun like.

and.. as i am now using iphone.. i can no longer take photos in club. =(

because iphone has no flash!!! so irritating~

and dd got .. super high again.

thanks to his colleagues.


yeah, i'm crazy. its hard to find a gf that is happy that the bf gets drunk.


its fun! hooooooo~
posted by icy at 4/10/2010 03:46:00 AM 0 commenti

To the one up there..

Friday, April 09, 2010
Pls.. could you pls let me discover what will motivate me?

give me a clue at least?

its painful to day in day out.. living a life with no goals and motivation.

i need a goal, yet nothing keeps me motivated for long.

so thats not a goal.

i hate to be one that say already then nv happen kind of person.

it just makes me feel.. like a useless being.

i wanna create a name for myself.

i wanna be special..

so how am i suppose to be special?

what differentiate me from the rest?

what is the market that i really wanna create a name in?

these are questions that i need to answer.... and i'm pondering...

*pull hair*

enlighten me pls.

i'm.. lost.
posted by icy at 4/09/2010 03:22:00 AM 0 commenti

lesson learnt

Thursday, April 08, 2010
its tough being a good friend to everyone because u cannot think for everyone of them.

so its better.. sometimes..

to just not know anything.
posted by icy at 4/08/2010 04:58:00 PM 0 commenti


If you dun love someone, just fucking tell that person straight in the face.

be frank, be truthful..

tell him/her that you just treat him/her as a good friend and you do not wanna jeopardize the friendship.

we all are fucking adults. we fucking know that we aint young. like last time where u dun love me back i wun friend u. wtf la?

its that simple. rather then leading that person on the nose, making that person thinks that there's a chance, only to be ruin later when u end up in ANOTHEr r/s.

i have seen many people doing this.

be it my guy fren or girl fren.

they say they dunno how to reject! ..|.. <= middle finger just in case u dunno.

wtf? rejection is part and parcel of life! dun u ever reject someone on the street they they come selling u tissue or asking u for donations? u can reject them a stranger, yet u cannot reject a friend whom could continue being yr friend if you made the right made, and u risk losing them forever if you do a wrong one?

i seriously have no idea whats going on such ppl's brain.


before i got together with dd, i rejected him a year ago and we parted on good terms. at least i didnt waste ANY of his time after 1 date. (and one big round later we were together. LOL)

and yes, i dare say.

If i sense someone interest and i know there's no chance, i will just tell them straight - dun waste time.

sigh. its more hurtful to be leaded on and find out later the one u really like has chosen another.


if only i know what i can do to make ppl feel better.

if only got gave me a pair of healing hands where i can heal broken hearts.

posted by icy at 4/08/2010 01:08:00 AM 0 commenti

i should seriously stop using CC..

Tuesday, April 06, 2010
damn. i suddenly lost count on how much i spend on my CC.

I hate them!

grr grr.

CC is a bad bad thing! =/~
posted by icy at 4/06/2010 12:47:00 AM 0 commenti

Femme Fatale

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    10 November 1983
    Working as a Financial Adviser/ Consultant/ Planner with Prudential Since 2007.


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