
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
So, at the end of the day, its the same feeling yet again, but by another man.

why do the guys i am with, love to do this?

to make me little, to make me feel like dirt, as compared to their ex gfs?

if u love yr ex gf so much, why dun u just go back to her?

why do u wanna throw me aside when she is back, and when she is away u come to me?

excuses excuses.

pls everyone out there. dun be stupid and feed so much information about yr previous r/s to yr gf. dun give those intimate details because woman are very visual. they fucking love to paint pictures in their head.

as much as i behave like a man, i am a woman at heart.

i fucking cannot stand man who makes me feel lesser.

if u cannot make me feel important, then dun fucking come into my life and make me lesser.

because it took me so much time and effect to build that little confident i have in myself ever since someone else totally crushed it.

i fucking hate this feeling of being make 2nd to another person.

i have no right to be angry or upset ?

yeah, fine. then i'll not gonna feel anything anymore from now onwards. would that be better?

yeah i guess so.
posted by icy at 1/05/2011 12:47:00 AM 0 commenti

Femme Fatale

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    10 November 1983
    Working as a Financial Adviser/ Consultant/ Planner with Prudential Since 2007.


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